Ephesians – Week 13
Vernon Armitage   -  

Victory is a wonderful word. At the cross and through his resurrection, Jesus defeated sin, evil, and death. Nevertheless, “for the moment,” evil is in the world and Satan is a real enemy. Paul ends the letter to the Ephesians by preparing the believer for victory in the battle. However, one question that seems to linger is, “If God is good and all powerful, why does he allow evil in this world?” You have probably heard that question. In fact, you may have asked it yourself. The moment you cross the line of faith, you step into a battle zone. How do we deal with the Enemy in an evil world? This Sunday we will jump into the deep end and find help in the closing of Paul’s letter. Don’t miss this as we look at help with the questions of “why” evil is allowed to linger and “how” to be victorious in the battle.