The Gospel of John – 3/24/24
Vernon Armitage   -  

What is the significance of Palm Sunday? For one thing, it introduces the last week of Jesus before the cross and resurrection. Jerusalem was packed to overflowing with people from all around the region as they came in preparation for the annual celebration of Passover. Sunday, his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, was filled with significant pieces of a puzzle that spans the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. Each piece has important meaning: the palm branches, the donkey, the crowd, the shouts of ‘Hosanna, King of Israel,’ the Greeks, the statement “the hour has come,” and the lesson about how a grain of wheat must die to bring forth life.

On this Palm Sunday, we will piece together a beautiful picture that prepares us for a Great Celebration. You will be encouraged as we unpack the meaning of each piece of Palm Sunday. Don’t miss this celebration and to invite your friends to join us as well.